Struggling to create 3D Models for your games? No worries, here is a list of 10 Great Websites for FREE 3D Models for your Games in 2020.

Being an Indie Game Developer it is quite challenging to create the graphics, soundtracks, animations, and a lot more stuff on your own. The cost and time required to create an asset are sometimes not affordable for many game developers. This is the reason they chose to go searching the internet for Free stuff. Now getting such free stuff in this vast ocean of content is a bit hard to find. After covering 5 Great Website for Free 2D Game Art and 10 Great Website for Free Music Track, here is a list of 10 Great Websites for Free 3D Models which you can use in your Games.
Open Game Art
As the name suggests, Open Game Art is a site full of Free Game Arts which you can use both in your personal and commercial projects. Originally started as a forum for Game Development, later got shaped into a site for all the Game developers' needs. It features free textures, 2d game art, 3d Game models, music, sound effects, and so on. With more than 3000 3D models available on the site, Game Developers can also find free Textures for the models they have downloaded. Such a huge library gives an opportunity to explore a wide variety of 3D models as per the needs.
Check out OpenGameArt.
Kenny Assets
A website that is quite familiar among all the Game Developers and is loved by every single user, Kenny Asset is the one when it comes to free 2D and 3D Game Assets for both personal and commercial projects. With the public domain license, Game Developers can use each and every asset present on the website for completely free. The low poly 3D models available on the website can be even summed up in a single game and you can still get the look blending to be the same.
Check out Kenny Assets for more details.
A community-driven marketplace pretty well known by every Game Developer, is a place for finding a huge range of 2d and 3d game assets. The Free 3D models available on the site can be used as per the specified license for personal and commercial games. With a range of more than thousands of entries available and adding each day, become a great hub to check back for the required needs. Also, the variability of different genres provides the ability to explore a vast range of collections in a single place.
Blendswap is also a community-driven platform for all Blender enthusiasts where you can find a wide variety of Blender designs. With the availability of tons of Creative Commons licenses, Blendswap is a great site to get free 3D models which you can use in your personal as well as commercial projects. With more than 23000 3D Models available on the site, Game Developers can now get the Blender file directly to their respective game engines with direct integration. However, there is a limit over the download if the user hasn’t been registered yet to the site but once the account is created you get access to the vast library for free.
Find your 3D models at Blendswap.
NASA models
As it is quite understandable by the name itself, NASA Model is a great official site for all the 3D models of space-related objects which are distributed by NASA Officials. Not just only 3D models but Game Developers could also find the textures provided by NASA which you can use for your games. All the models can be downloaded for free which is also available on GitHub. The 3D models provided by NASA make a great fit for the 3D realistic games which also enhances the overall feel of the game instantly. Definitely, a great site to check out, after all, it's officially true and realistic provided by the space explorers themselves.
This site is definitely worth considering if you are making a real 3D environment with mechanical objects. With a collection of more than 5000 3D models, CADNav is a home for a wide variety of 3D models covering various genres. Also, Game Developers can find the textures for free and use them with the 3D models downloaded from the site.
Check out CADNav now.
An ideal site for all the 3D artists and Game Developers where you can find new 3D models regularly as the site gets updated with new content periodically. Not just a marketplace but also a site for the 3D artist to showcase their portfolios that can grab opportunities quickly. The UI is pretty simple and the categorization algorithm works so well that you get the exact thing for which you came. All the assets present on this site are completely free, Game Developers can use them in their personal and commercial projects taking the specified license into consideration. The quality of the 3D models is top-notch and the great thing about it is the price, which is ZERO Dollars! More than 16000 3D models are available on this website that can be further chosen for making great 3D games. Also, not just blender files but the site also contains Cinema4D models, 3Ds Max models, Maya Models, Rigged Animations, FBX Models, Obj models, and so on.
Get your 3D Models for Games at Free3D Website.
CG Trader
A huge marketplace for 3D Designs and a great Freelancing site for 3D artists, CG Trader is one of the largest 3D Libraries with a collection of more than 800,000 models. It has everything that a Game Developer needs and the collection present in the free section cover nearly all the requirements. The 3D models can be used in AR, and VR Games and can be exported into a wide variety of formats. The quality of every asset is great which ensures the enhancement of the visual quality of your games.
Check CG Trader now.
Often known for the quality of the assets maintained since the very beginning, Turbosquid makes sure to provide all its user-quality content. Even if free assets from the website are far better than the cheap paid assets from the other sites available on the internet. The 3D models from the Turbsquid can be used in both personal and commercial projects which could make the projects more lively and dynamic. With a collection of more than 21,000 free 3D models, Game Developers and 3D Artists could get a wide range of options to choose from. Not only 3D Models but Turbosquid also has a variety of Textures that can enhance the looks of your 3D Models.
Find out more about Turbosquid.
Craftpix is a well-known site for Free and instant Game assets which any user can get easily for their games. Not just 2D Game Art but Craftpix has also a good range of Free 3d models comprising different genres. The 3D models available on the Craftpix website has their own custom license which allows Game developers to use their asset for free in their projects.
Check out Craftpix Website for more details.
With options for modifying the 3D Models according to your needs along with usage for Game Development workflows, is an extensive library of 3D models jam-packed with content for all of the scenarios you might need a 3D asset for. One of the best parts of is the modifications you can do while downloading so that you pay for only what you need. You can select what you need according to your use case, like selecting a model to be 3D-print ready, UV mapped, etc., and pay for these extra features only if you need them, making the models super affordable. They even have services for making adjustments to the 3D Model as per the requirement so that you can grab exactly what you need, even without any prior experience in 3D content generation. Apart from the models, you can also get transparent background images of the model for use as sprites or overlaying in Photoshop. Also, with software support for all the major DCC applications, it’s a guarantee that you’ll never face any compatibility issues.
Check out now.
So now you can easily get your 3D models for Free to make some awesome games. Explore all the sites individually and grab your desired need. Also, don’t forget to credit the real creator wherever required and read out the specified license of the models before using them. By the way, did you count the number of websites provided in this article? Well, we thought of helping you with more additional content coz our users always deserve more!
With Love From VOiD1 Gaming

**VOiD1 Gaming is not sponsored by any of the above companies. This list is in no particular order and the preferences of the websites are solely dependent on the user interest.**