Find out 10 must-watch YouTube channels for starting your Game Development journey.

Game Development has been geared up to a different level with the emerging of YouTube. This platform has provided millions of people to get informed and get entertained at the same time. Game Development Industry took a huge shift with the prominence of YouTube leading to the sharing of free information worldwide. Game Development has never been such easy, as it is currently, and all the credit goes to the source of Free Informative Video Platform YouTube! Here is a list of a few YouTube Channels to boost up your Game Development with no particular order.
Extra Credits
Centred towards the principle of Game Design, Extra Credits is a channel for those who want to polish their Game Development skills. This channel helps you to understand deeply about the game design and how to make the game better. While covering every aspect of the game, Extra Credits make sure to decode the game well to keep it simple and understandable.
Check out Extra Credits.
One of the fastest-growing YouTube channel with prominent and consistent content for the beginners, as well as advanced developers, Brackeys is the one when it comes to simple Unity tutorials. This channel is purely dedicated towards Game Development aspect while providing useful in-depth informative tutorials for all to catch up with ease. Known for the clear and precise tutorials with ease in understanding, Brackeys got all the set to start your Game Development journey. With more than 400+ videos, Brackeys has covered nearly each and every topic that is required by an Indie Developer to start its journey. Moreover, Brackeys turns the development process to be much easier to start with.
Check out Brackeys.
A Channel well known for its Top Quality content leveraged towards Unity Game Development, Sykoo TV provide great content on level design, Game Design, and Game Engines. This channel also provides Asset reviews which helps out the process of choosing the right asset for your project. Get all the details of new releases from Unity Officials here in this channel with in-depth analysis and understanding.
Find out more at Sykoo.
Started first at 2015, Blackthornprod is a great channel for the beginners to delve in the ocean of Game Development with all the informative tutorials on game design using Unity game engine. With the variability in the technical content, this channel holds pretty much everything you need to get started. Blackthornprod also helps you to make your own art and animation with easy simple tutorials. With a primary focus on Indie Game Development Blackthornprod is surely a great channel to check out.
Check Blackthornprod.
Game Makers Toolkit, a YouTube channel started by the former Game Journalist Mark Brown is one of the most ranked channels in YouTube well known for his videos on Game Development process and the industry. This channel serves high-quality content on Game Design and optimization techniques for each game. It explores and decodes great games to make you understand the reason for their success. Perfect for those who are craving to improve their process of making a game and boosting up the game feel.
Find more about GMTK.
Ask GameDev
A pretty well-known channel for its easy to understand content and insights related to the Game Development industry, Ask GameDev is an awesome YouTube channel which delivers content regarding Game making process. This channel primarily focuses on how to make video games and the perks of the game making process. While delivering informative content regarding the insights of the Game Development Industry, Ask GameDev also loves to talk about the well-established Games and how it is made.
Check out Ask GameDev.
Code Monkey
A professional Indie game Developer with several successful games on Steam, Code Monkey is a great channel to start your game development journey. This channel is committed to teaching you the Game development process using Unity 2D and boosts up your programming skills. However, the tutorials are beginner-friendly which literally covers most of the area of 2D game development. If you are into 2D games this is definitely a great channel to check out.
Find more at Code Monkey.
Snowman Gaming
Leveraged toward the game design process, Snowman Gaming is an awesome YouTube channel for those who want to enhance the design perspective of their games. This channel deconstructs different games while explaining the reason behind their success/failure. Moreover, Snowman Gaming also reviews free games and explains the principles of game design which is definitely a useful tool for all the Game Developers out there.
Get know more at Snowman Gaming.
Sebastian Lague
A channel with a primary focus on improving your programming skills and enhancing the quality of your programming, Sebastian Lague is a great YouTube channel well known for the Coding Adventure. This YouTube channel is best for the advanced developers who are seeking the game development process with the power of programming. Sebastian Lague has made several videos on procedural generation and is quite strong in terms of the technical aspect. Do check out his channel for a new advanced journey in the Game Development process.
Check out Sebastian Lague.
Being the largest professional game industry event, GDC is a perfect YouTube channel for all the developers including programmers, artists, game designers, and audio professionals etc. to endure themselves with all the required information about the Game Development industry. You can find the full inspirational lectures, depth talks and so on from the experts itself.
Get to know more at GDC.
With Love From VOiD1 Gaming
**VOiD1 Gaming is not sponsored by any of the above Channels. This list is in no particular order and preference of the channels are solely dependent on the user interest. All trademarks appearing in this list are registered trademarks of the respective Channels. Trademark iconography attributes- Icons made by Smashicons from**